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FT905 I2C Slave Example


I am using FT905(Revision C) MCU on my custom board. I would like to program as an I2C Slave.
I looked 'AN_360 FT9xx Example Applications' and I use I2C Slave Example 1 code to try.
But this code didn't work. I use 'Aardvark I2C/SPI Host Adapter' as master.
I think it cannot detec interrupts. How can I fix this issue?

Best Regards.

FTDI Community:

The SPI slave example in AN_360 is designed to work with the SPI master examples also in AN_360.

Check the 'Aardvark I2C/SPI Host Adapter' SPI master settings and either modify the example code or create your own custom code to communicate with this device.

Best Regards,
FTDI Community


Thank you for your reply.

I checked the Aardvark Adapter but nothing change.
Also I design a basic custom code to detect an interrupt but it didn't.

Best Regards.

FTDI Community:

Hopefully someone on the community forum has experience with the Aardvark Adapter.

You can refer to our documentation for further information:

AN_365 FT9xx API Programmers Manual
BRT_AN_020 FT90X Revision C User Manual

You must call spi_enable_interrupt in order to use interrupts with SPI.

Best Regards,
FTDI Community


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