General Category > Discussion - Hardware

FT906L USB Connection


Hello everyone,

I use FT906L and i want to use USB device connection for send commands and power supply.
Do i connect VUSB and HREF to ground?
But i wonder that i should connect pullup/down resistor or not?
Is there any schematics about that and there is data line 22k resistor in some documents where should i connect resistor?
Some microcontroller need a RTC Oscillator because USB don't run, FT906L needs or not RTC?

Best regards.

FTDI Community:

We recommend to use our evaluation modules below as a guide for this.

The MM900EVxA have both USB device and host and so you can find examples of how to connect them and the crystal circuitry in the schematics at the end of the document.

Best Regards, FTDI Community


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