General Category > Discussion - Drivers

Data collisions with dual channel device


Chip: FT2232H
Configuration: Channel A is SPI interface (MPSSE); Channel B is asynchronous FIFO
Driver Version:
Software: Microsoft C# using FTD2XX_NET Managed Wrapper version 1.1.0
OS: Win10

The main thread of my program uses channel B (asynchronous FIFO). There is an asynchronous polling loop which periodically reads the GPIO of channel A (every 5 msec or so). I believe that I am getting occasional collisions between read/write operations on channel B and read/write operation on channel A, resulting in corrupted data. I was hoping that the FTDI driver would automatically sort out such overlapping requests, but that seems to not be the case. Is there some setting that I am missing? Or is there some way for me to determine if channel A is busy so I can hold off on the channel B access (or vice-versa)?


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