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Discussion - Software / Re: FT260 - Pauses in I2C comunication.
« on: August 31, 2021, 01:32:11 PM »

Glad it helped,

Yes, the FT4222H offers one SPI Master (SCK/MOSI/MISO) with up to four chip selects,  or one Quad SPI (this uses four bi-directional data lines and is used by some devices such as flash chips or Bridgetek EVE chips) or one I2C Master or one SPI slave (MOSI/MISO/SCK).

It uses hi-speed USB and bulk transfers and so offers quite a lot more throughput,

Best Regards, FTDI Community

Discussion - Software / Re: FT260 - Pauses in I2C comunication.
« on: August 31, 2021, 11:11:39 AM »

The FT200XD and FT201X are only I2C slaves and cannot act as a host to a sensor etc. and so if you need the FTDI device to be a master, I'm afraid this isn't suitable.

FT4222H or FT232H would be possible options,

The FT232H MPSSE is more generic and so needs to talk back to the PC for each byte so your code can check ack/nak and so if you need to check these per byte before proceeding to the next, and so the rate might not be enough unless you can do a burst without checking ack/nak (for write) or deciding ack/nak (for read) in real time.

The FT4222H might be the fastest device if you need to determine or check ack/nak in real time or features like clock stretch etc.

Best Regards, FTDI Community

Discussion - Software / Re: FT260 - Pauses in I2C comunication.
« on: August 31, 2021, 09:56:43 AM »

Thanks for your updates and for your inputs too Allen,

Yes unfortunately the USB transfers are limited to 64K on the interrupt endpoints and so although the device can run at 12Mbaud and 3.4M I2C, the actual throughput will not match these.

We specify this on page 12 of the datasheet but it is in amongst the text and is also not directly referring to the baud and I2C rates. We can look at improving the datasheet to make sure that this limitation is clear and stated explicitly as you suggested,

Sorry to hear the FT260 is not suitable. The FT260 is ideal for many uses as it uses HID class but the throughput is limited by this. We have other hi-speed USB devices which use bulk transfers such as the FT4222H which might be an option for you,
Bulk transfers don't offer guaranteed bandwidth at any instant as the bandwidth is shared with other devices and so can depend what other devices you have connected to the PC, but the overall bandwidth is usually much higher than this 64K interrupt transfer on the FT260.

Best Regards, FTDI Community

Hi Radka,
How the parts enumerate could change depending on what other devices maybe connected to the system, if the connections were consistent the enumeration could be the same but couldn’t be guaranteed.

With regard to your comment "I tried uninstalling the driver and installing a new one ( No success."  Do you mean  you had issues installing the 36.4 driver or that it just didn't help in stabilising the enumeration of the connected devices?

FTDI Community 

Discussion - Software / Re: Another bug found in the Vinc compiler.
« on: August 26, 2021, 03:36:42 PM »
Hi Willy,
We have replicated the observed issue and are working on it.
If/When a fix is in place i will follow up with you. 

FTDI Community

Discussion - Software / Re: BUG found in the VinAsm tool ?
« on: August 23, 2021, 05:19:29 PM »
Hi Willy,
It maybe a bug, but not a known one.   
We have been unable to replicate the issue you observed here .  It might be due to the level of optimisations? What optimisation level are you working at?   

FTDI Community


You are already in contact with our technical support team on this matter.

Please feel free to post any resolution here to help other community users.

There may also be other FTDI Community users who will be able to help you.

Best Regards,
FTDI Community

Discussion - Hardware / Re: FT260 GPIO initial output state
« on: August 20, 2021, 01:07:08 PM »

have a look at https://ftdichip.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/AN_184-FTDI-Device-Input-Output-Pin-States.pdf. This application note goes over the I/O pin states of our devices, section 22 is for the FT260.

we also have a couple of software examples for the FT260 that may be able to help you. The folder for the code examples can be found here: https://ftdichip.com/products/ft260q/ under the downloads tab, you should have a look at the GPIO and GPIO_OpenDrain examples.

Please let me know if you have any more questions





One thing to check is that you have set timeouts to a finite value (e.g. 5000ms) which will avoid the read and writes hanging if they are unable to complete. You should check the status value once a call returns as well as comparing the sizeTransferred, which is provided by the read and write functions, to what you had requested, to see if all data was written/read.

Best Regards, FTDI Community


Thanks for your update,

Yes it sounds like another device may be holding the clock low and so it depends if this other device can release the clock or if it has locked up and may need reset. You could try disconnecting the I2C lines for each device on the bus to check if the other device has got the line held low,

Best Regards, FTDI Community

Discussion - Software / Re: LibFT4222H spi slave buffer question
« on: August 16, 2021, 02:14:46 PM »

You are correct, the driver retrieves the data from the chip automatically and stores it in the driver buffer within the PC and so you are reading the data from this local buffer. You can check the RxStatus to see how many bytes are available in this buffer.

Best Regards, FTDI Community

FTDI News / Re: New Power Delivery High Speed USB Devices
« on: August 04, 2021, 10:39:31 AM »

Unfortunately we do not have an application note which covers the differences between the FTx232H and the FTx232HP/FTx233HP ICs.

However to answer your question yes the availability of Power Delivery and Type C support are the only differences between the old and new ICs.

Best Regards,
FTDI Community

Discussion - Software / Re: FT260 - Pauses in I2C comunication.
« on: August 04, 2021, 10:29:57 AM »

We can try this out to see if we can see the same thing,

What timebase was your scope on and so what kind of pause duration were you seeing in each case?

One thing to note is that the FT260 uses interrupt transfers which support 64Kbytes/sec (for each IN or out pipe) and so the throughput will be limited by this, this may be one factor in the delay you see. 

Best Regards, FTDI Community

Discussion - Software / Re: FT4232H I2C Library recommendations
« on: August 02, 2021, 03:41:20 PM »

The LibMPPSE library is essentially a wrapper library for standard D2XX API calls, the source is available is required, and it appears you already have access to this.
Please fell free to modify the LibMPSSE source code as required for your given application and produce a custom DLL.

Best Regards,
FTDI Community

Discussion - Software / Re: FT4232H I2C Library recommendations
« on: August 02, 2021, 11:47:16 AM »

The FTCI2C.dll is no longer supported so we would recommend using the LibMPSSE.dll for new projects. however unfortunately the LibMPSSE helper library only supports GPIO functionality on the GPIOH pins.

There are two options for programming the MPSSE on the device to act as a SPI/I2C bridge, the first being to utilise LibMPSSE
The second option is to use raw D2XX commands to issue opcodes and data to the device, please see the following for a list of MPSSE opcodes:

You will need to utilise a D2XX approach if you wish to utilise the GPIOL pins in your application.

Please see the following for an example of using raw D2XX commands in an I2C MPSSE application:

The MPSSE Basics application note may also be useful to you:

Best Regards,
FTDI Community

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