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FT260 - Pauses in I2C comunication.

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FTDI Community:

The FT200XD and FT201X are only I2C slaves and cannot act as a host to a sensor etc. and so if you need the FTDI device to be a master, I'm afraid this isn't suitable.

FT4222H or FT232H would be possible options,

The FT232H MPSSE is more generic and so needs to talk back to the PC for each byte so your code can check ack/nak and so if you need to check these per byte before proceeding to the next, and so the rate might not be enough unless you can do a burst without checking ack/nak (for write) or deciding ack/nak (for read) in real time.

The FT4222H might be the fastest device if you need to determine or check ack/nak in real time or features like clock stretch etc.

Best Regards, FTDI Community

Thank you for the clarification FTDI Comunity

I think the FT4222H is definelty the way to go. Never heard of quadSPI and interpreted the title as 4 x SPI or 4 x I2C, implying a lot of pins, large package. This is not the case and the package does fit the application. Will look into the FT4222H.

FTDI Community:

Glad it helped,

Yes, the FT4222H offers one SPI Master (SCK/MOSI/MISO) with up to four chip selects,  or one Quad SPI (this uses four bi-directional data lines and is used by some devices such as flash chips or Bridgetek EVE chips) or one I2C Master or one SPI slave (MOSI/MISO/SCK).

It uses hi-speed USB and bulk transfers and so offers quite a lot more throughput,

Best Regards, FTDI Community


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