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VCN1L Bootloader wiped/corrupted


Hi All,

Could anyone give me any ideas as to why the bootloader would disappear or corrupt on the VNC1L?

Thank you in advance.

FTDI Community:

Why do you think the bootloader has disappeared or corrupted?

To enable the bootloader, the PROG# pin must be driven low and the VNC1L must then be reset by driving the RESET# pin low then high. Run mode can be enabled by driving the PROG# pin high and then resetting the VNC1L by driving the RESET# pin low then high.

Refer to ANVNC1L-01 Vinculum VNC1L Bootloader for more information.

The Vinculum Firmware User Manual also details programming options in section 3.1.3.

It would be worthwhile connecting a 3.3V TTL cable to the VNC1L and using FT_PROG to try and reprogram the VDAP firmware found here:

This is not a common issue that other community users could help with.
You might want to contact your local support team:

Best Regards,
FTDI Community


The VDIP1 module becomes unresponsive and fails to illuminate the LEDs. Re-programming the VDAP software onto the VDIP1 module rectifies the issue.

I've emailed the support team and I've yet to receive a response.

Could it be an issue with the power supply to the module?

Kind regards,


FTDI Community:

Please work with your local support team on this issue and post any resolution here to help other community users.

Best Regards,
FTDI Community


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