General Category > Discussion - Hardware

FT2232H Not Getting Detected and What is it's default mode ?


Siddharth Mishra:
Hi there,

We are working on a project which uses FT2232H, The MCU is of Kinetis 20/22 family by NXP.
While using the FT2232H chip with the Setup over a Machine running Linux as the OS, the system is unable to detect the FT Chip.

We also would want to have an understanding over the default working mode of the FT2232H Chip, are there any Prerequisite Configuration needed to use the FT chip in SPI Mode?

Help would be much appreciated. Thanks in Advance.

FTDI Community:

The FT2232H defaults to 2 x UART ports. Using the MPSSE for SPI requires additional commands from the application itself,

The FTDI chipsets are vendor class devices and so require a driver on the host, if you run Linux on the host computer/MCU please ensure the Linux build includes the FTDI driver.

The Linux build may include an sio driver which is part of many distributions. However, MPSSE (for SPI) will require you to load our D2xx drivers which can be obtained from our D2xx drivers page. We have these for various Linux platforms but it will also depend if the Kinetis uses one of our supported processor types,

Best Regards, FTDI Community


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