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FT51A output pad configuration


Tried to configure a pin in output mode, but it failed to output unless configured with pull-up enabled (works with IOMUX_PAD_PULL_UP and doesn't work with IOMUX_PAD_PULL_NONE). Open-drain like-behaviour instead of push-pull? The Programming Guide (AN-289) states however that pull up/down bits take effect only if a pin is configured as input. Is that kind of behavior correct? Or may be I am doing something wrong?

--- Code: ---IOMUX_OUTPUT( DIO_14, IOMUX_OUT_PORT3_6 );
--- End code ---

FTDI Community:

All our software examples use the 8051 Digital I/O ports P1 and P3 or Analog I/O ports P0 and P2. The pull up/downs are only relevant to the pins when they are inputs, and like the 8051 the pins are open drain when set as outputs.

Also note that traditional 8051 Port 0 (P0) is open-collector, unlike the other ports (P1 to P3).
This means that an external pull-up is required when using P0 as GPIO for example.

FTDI Community

Got it. But there is no direct mentioning of open drain IO pins either in the datasheet or the programming guide. Moreover, Voh "Output Voltage High" is defined in "Table 4-3 – IO Characteristics VCCIO = +3V3" making it look like the IO pins are push-pull with configurable drive strength. A bit confusing.


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