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Basic questions about ft4232h and 74HC595 leds


Hello, i have a ft4232h board with a 74HC595 shift register controlling led indicators, my setup is bank A spi bank B i2c and banks C and D uart. The leds work fine for all banks except bank A spi. Ive searched high and low and know it must exist but cant find any real documentation about debugging the shift register for leds. It seems like a hardware only thing, but i should ask does it require any special bits in the eeprom? Is spi to fast for the leds or is it something else. Im pretty sure i read the normal non shift register tx/rx leds that get setup via eeprom are for uart only, is the shift register way the same and ive been lucky with i2c sneaking its way into working? Thank you in advance these spi leds woukd prove very helpful in debugging.

FTDI Community:
The traffic LEDs through the eeprom interface are applicable for UART only.
We are checking your use case to see if we can also get LEDs via I2C

FTDI Community

Actually my i2c does great with the leds its the spi that doesnt work. But huge help to know its supposed to be uart only, makes me feal less crazy! lol. But yes i2c the leds work and i2c on bus A on bus B i use spi  no led activity on spi bus B.  Thank you for your response!


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