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Topics - alexeiko

Pages: [1]
Hi, all!

I'm using FT4232 for JTAG. I'm using opcodes 0x39 and 0x3B for data in.
I'm expecting 9216 bytes (9KB) of data but the number of bytes in receive queue FT_GetQueueStatus gives me varies each time.
Once it's 9100, other time it's 9180 etc. Rarely I get the expected value.

What may be the issue? I tried to use smaller chunks, but still get incorrect values...

Would be glad for any help!


Hi, All!

I'm using FT4232 for JTAG and I2C protocols. I want to ask how is it possible to access same device from a couple of different processes in windows?
I initialize channel A to MPSSE and obtain a handle for it. In another process I want to have the ability to work with this channel (already initialized). The problem is that I can't FT_Open a device which is already opened. Is there any way to obtain a handle in the new process (without first closing the device in the other process) ?

Thanks a lot!


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