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Messages - _adam_

Pages: [1]
Discussion - Software / Re: FT260 - UART communication
« on: June 21, 2021, 05:34:38 PM »
if I understand correctly, I need to have the PC application running all the time to be able to send HID reports? It is not possible to just connect FT260 and start sending data (via UART or I2C)? There is another chip that can work without app?

Discussion - Software / Re: FT260 - UART communication
« on: June 17, 2021, 08:22:10 PM »
Thanks for the answer but, i don't know which frequency is currently set. I describe my case:
I want to connect FT260 to computer and start sending HID reports (ft260 receives reports form uC by UART interface). I want to use FT260 without any external applications in widnows. Can you tell me whether it is possible?  How can I set uart settings in ft260?

Discussion - Software / FT260 - UART communication
« on: June 12, 2021, 08:29:10 AM »
I have a FT260 chip in my project (connected via USB to a computer with widnows ), I would like to send it via uart interface, HID reports. but i don't know what are the UART settings (baud rate etc). Could you please tell me how to send hid reports by uart?
The diagrams I use, are taken from the datasheet.

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