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Messages - microcompiler

Pages: [1]
Discussion - Software / Re: Visual Studio Code Debugging
« on: June 13, 2018, 06:17:25 AM »
Thank you for your quick response! It really helped.  :)

I was able fix the issue by adding "-environment-directory C:\\Users\\BobSmi~1\\Documents\\Bridgetek\\FT9xx\\2.3.2\\Source\\src" to the gdb setup commands.

To answer your question as to why did i create it.  I spend the majority of my time developing in Visual Studio (mostly C#) and have been spoiled by Intellisense over the years.   Your official Toolchain worked great along with the Eclipse IDE but I felt like Visual Studio might enhance the build and flash process slightly.

Thank You!     

Discussion - Software / Visual Studio Code Debugging
« on: June 12, 2018, 06:04:24 AM »
I'm looking for some thoughts or inspiration.  I have successfully setup Visual Studio Code (VSCode) for building, debugging and flashing the Bridgetek FT90X micro controller using the UMFTPD2A debug/programmer module and FT9xx Toolchain. However, I've been really struggling with one small issues.  If I try and step into any tool chain function like "delayms()" I get a very strange error message that includes a file path for "c:/Jenkins/workspace/..." and I do not have this path on my PC.  I'm running out of things to try to solve this issue and hope someone might have an fresh idea.  Here is the github project (https://github.com/microcompiler/bridgetek) .


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