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The data being clocked out of the FT2232H will be at 60Mhz, so a device clocked at 22Mhz would not be able to control this byte by byte. As long as you account for the clock mismatch in your buffering solution you should be able to use the RD# signal to pause the datastream whilst the target device reads from the buffer. I would suggest buying a development module to test your design.

Best Regards,
FTDI Community


The signals used in the FT245 Sync FIFO mode are not traditional flow control signals, so I wouldn't be able to guarantee no data loss would occur. I am also curious about your proposed configuration, could you expand on what you mean by "attach another dual port FIFO for clock synchronisation and when the external FIFO is full to drive the RD# signal"?

Best Regards,
FTDI Community


When in synchronous mode, data is transferred on every clock that RXF# and RD# are both low.
I wouldn't recommend using RD# as a flow control signal, but data will not be transferred if the RD# signal remains high.

When RXF# is low, there is data available in the FIFO which can be read by driving RD# low.

Best Regards,
FTDI Community

Discussion - Software / Re: Basic Question - Image overlap
« on: September 04, 2020, 04:31:37 PM »

It looks like you have loaded both images into the same section of RAM_G:
Gpu_Hal_WrCmdBufFromFlash(phost, p, imgSize);

You need to load these concurrently into RAM_G.
I would suggest loading both images into RAM_G at the beginning of your code, then you can select the desired image to be displayed upon touch. this should mitigate any issues with loading times for the images to RAM_G.

Best Regards,
FTDI Community

General Discussion / Re: Regarding V2DIP2
« on: September 04, 2020, 04:22:15 PM »

V2DIP2 is supplied with V2DAP firmware pre-programmed, but please check you have the latest version.
The latest version is supplied with the Vinculum-II Tools at the following location on the PC:


Please refer to the Vinculum Firmware User Manual for usage.
Also see AN_176 - Vinculum Comparison of VDAP and V2DAP, as V2DAP is a port of VDAP.

Also note that on the UART side you will also require to connect the flow control signals (CTS/RTS) and this should be set by the UART application.

You can only host 2 x FT232R which will allow you to read from either of them and use one of them at a time in data mode.
It will never bridge between them though.

The VNC2 is quite a mature product.
Hosting FT232 devices with these older Vinculum/Vinculum-II products can be unreliable.
It takes a lot of the MCUs resources to run the FT232 device code so there can be performance issues.
I wouldn’t recommend using these products for this application.

The latest MCU FT90x has similar features to VNC2 and is actively supported from R&D, so you might want to consider this product.

Take a look at FT90x UART to FT232 Host Bridge, there is already a software example which can host FTDI devices.
A video has been created which demonstrates this:


There are significant benefits of FT90x over VNC2:

-Eclipse based IDE
-Source code for API drivers is provided
-Significant performance improvement
-Firmware updates over USB DFU
-Improved documentation and examples

We provide a free FT9xx Toolchain and FT9xx Development Modules.

If you need local support see Contact Us.

Best Regards,
FTDI Community

Discussion - Hardware / Re: FT4232H_I2C connection
« on: September 04, 2020, 04:21:05 PM »

Example code of bit bang/GPIO is shown in the documents linked in the previous post.

Best Regards,
FTDI Community

Discussion - Software / Re: FT800 Bitmap Colour Inversion
« on: September 04, 2020, 03:56:07 PM »

Thanks for providing an example of the icons.
As these are quite basic two colour images you have a couple options to achieve the inverted image.

The first and simplest option would be to use a bitmap format that uses less bits per pixel for these icon, this should allow you to fit both the normal and inverted icons into RAM_G. For example if you were to use L4 bitmaps these would take up 1/4 of the space in RAM_G that a RG565 bitmap would occupy.

The following should be useful for you:
AN_314 FT800 Advanced Technologies - Working with Bitmaps

You could also look into using bitmap cells with L1/L4 bitmaps so that both the inverted and non inverted icon are loaded into RAM_G as one bitmap, please see the above Application Note.

The final option would be to use a bitmap format which supports the Alpha channel (such as ARGB2). This way you would create the icon with a transparent background, after which you can colour the arrow and background when placing the bitmap on your display.

Best Regards,
FTDI Community


The development team confirmed EVE does not detect which type of CTP is attached.

The use of touch host mode to detect is one way this could be achieved. However this would require a HW change.

Without HW change, one may use an interactive method to ‘detect’ the type of CTP. For example, use default Focaltech config (ie REG_TOUCH_CONFIG = 0x0381), display a message on screen asking user to touch within 5 seconds, if MCU does not detect a touch interrupt from EVE, then MCU can assume the CTP is Goodix, and change REG_TOUCH_CONFIG to 0x05d0 accordingly.

Best Regards,
FTDI Community

Discussion - Software / Re: Basic Question - Image overlap
« on: September 03, 2020, 02:28:12 PM »

Are you overwriting previously written sections of RAM_G when you are displaying the smaller images?

Best Regards,
FTDI Community.


Thanks for the reply.
I'm still waiting on the dev team to update, I will post a reply when they have gotten back to me.

Best Regards,
FTDI Community

Discussion - Software / Re: FT800 Bitmap Colour Inversion
« on: September 02, 2020, 04:29:54 PM »

Could you please let me know which bitmap format you are using?
Could you also provide an example of the icons? Both standard and inverted.

Best Regards,
BRT Community


I believe that a touch would need to be registered on the panel as otherwise the CTP wouldn't attempt to send any data to EVE. From this point you may be able to establish if the correct I2C address has been used, but I will clarify this with the hardware team.

The alternative option is to hold EVE in reset and communicate directly to the CTP from your MCU over I2C. This however does require routing extra I2C lines to the CTP, would this be feasible in your project?

Best Regards,
FTDI Community

Discussion - Hardware / Re: FT4232H_I2C connection
« on: September 01, 2020, 04:31:27 PM »

Please refer to AN_135 MPSSE Basics which contains example circuits for I2C.
Please note that the I2C is a master only.

We also have Development Modules for test, evaluation and reference:

FT4232H Mini-Module
FT4232H-56 Mini-Module

Yes Port C and Port D could also be used for GPIO.
See the following application notes:

Bit Bang Modes for the FT232R and FT245R
AN_373 Bit-Bang Modes for the FT-X Series

Note that the bit bang/GPIO documents are not specifically for FT4232H but the same principles apply.

Best Regards,
FTDI Community

Discussion - Software / Re: Basic Question - Image overlap
« on: September 01, 2020, 02:42:42 PM »

Just to clarify are you trying to place one image on top of your background image?

Would it be possible to see the display list being used?

Best Regards,
FTDI Community


Here is our application note for CBUS bit bang on the FT-X series

The Java D2xx FT_SetBitMode was only tested for CBUS bit bang on the FT232R and FT232H devices but should also work on the FT-X.

Best Regards, FTDI Community

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