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FT800 Bitmap Colour Inversion



I am using the FT800 chip and have successfully loaded and displayed various bitmaps, in my case icons for my GUI.  However, I have almost no space left in RAM_G and need to be able to invert the colours of some of the icons.  In my system the icons by default are a white outline on a black background but when selected as an option they need to invert and become a black outline on a white background.

Can anyone tell me a simple way to do this using the FT800 commands as I do not have space to load all the icons in again with the colours inverted.

Thanks in advance for any help!


FTDI Community:

Could you please let me know which bitmap format you are using?
Could you also provide an example of the icons? Both standard and inverted.

Best Regards,
BRT Community


Thank you for your reply. I am using RGB565 format and here is an example of one of my images, the first normal and the second inverted.

Thanks again!


FTDI Community:

Thanks for providing an example of the icons.
As these are quite basic two colour images you have a couple options to achieve the inverted image.

The first and simplest option would be to use a bitmap format that uses less bits per pixel for these icon, this should allow you to fit both the normal and inverted icons into RAM_G. For example if you were to use L4 bitmaps these would take up 1/4 of the space in RAM_G that a RG565 bitmap would occupy.

The following should be useful for you:
AN_314 FT800 Advanced Technologies - Working with Bitmaps

You could also look into using bitmap cells with L1/L4 bitmaps so that both the inverted and non inverted icon are loaded into RAM_G as one bitmap, please see the above Application Note.

The final option would be to use a bitmap format which supports the Alpha channel (such as ARGB2). This way you would create the icon with a transparent background, after which you can colour the arrow and background when placing the bitmap on your display.

Best Regards,
FTDI Community


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