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FT813 power pin inssue


shreya kulkarni:
  I'm working on 3.5” EVE2 TFT Module (SPI) display , i am trying to interface display with jetson nano and i have done connection MISO MOSI SCK CS pin of spi and also for power on board VDD-3.3v VBL-5V with nano  confuse for PD pin where i have to connect that pin to 3.3 or GPIO so please help me in that and I am trying drive display with linux and using library riveri-eve from github but after so many trials of reset pin of VBL and VDD dispaly is ON maintain the delay of 20 ms.
please check it and let me know if you have any idea about it.

PD is to be connected to a GPIO output.
You could leave it open but issuing a core-reset command would be required for a proper warm-start then.

Check out my code library:

EVE_commands.c has EVE_init(), line 1177ff.

FTDI Community:

Rudolph is correct you should use a GPIO pin on your board fro the PD signal.

Best Regards,
BRT Community


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