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Help Using Transparent PNGs


Hi Everyone!
  I am using the FT813 EVE graphics processor with a TFT LCD screen for a project in school. I want to be able to use transparent PNGs, and I have checked using GIMP, that these are actually transparent. I am using LOAD_IMAGE(start_addr, 0) function following the BRT14 application note.  I also am using RGB565 in the BITMAP_LAYOUT function. Do I need to be using the PALETTED4444 option in BITMAP_LAYOUT? Do I need to use the ALPHA function? I have played around with different color options, but I cant seem to get it to work. I have attached the PNG I am trying to display and I also attached a picture of what it actually looks like.

FTDI Community:

Yes that is correct to make use of a transparent image on EVE you are required to make use of one of the image formats that support an Alpha channel.

The following formats include an alpha channel:

* ARGB1555
You can use the EVE Asset Builder utility to perform the image conversion.

Best Regards,
FTDI Community


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