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FT4222_SPIMaster_Init issue when using other ssoMap than 0x1

(1/2) > >>

According to the documentation, if I understand correctly, these are the values I should send for slave selection SS0 -> 0b0001, SS1 -> 0b0010, SS2 -> 0b0100, SS3 -> 0b1000, but, only the option for SS0 is working, the others return an FT4222_INVALID_PARAMETER error, however, sending any combination with the lsb in 1 (0b0011, 0b0101, …) does not return any error, however, only SS0 works in those cases.
Following is my spiMaster_Init configuration:

clock_div : CLK_DIV_4
ssoMap : 2 (0b0010)

Can't see if I'm doing something wrong or what I'm missing.

FTDI Community:

Thank you for your question, would it be possible to see the section of code you are using to configure the device?

Best Regards,
FTDI Community

Should have pointed out that I'm working in Python.
openStatus value returned is 0 (FT_OK)
initStatus value returned is 0 (FT_OK) when I send the value c_uint(1) for the ssoMap, it returns 6 (FT_INVALID_PARAMETER) when I send c_uint(2)

Here is the code:
    from ctypes import WinDLL, byref, c_void_p, c_uint
    ft4222lib = WinDLL('LibFT4222-64.dll')
    ftd2xxlib = WinDLL('ftd2xx.dll')
    ftHandler = c_void_p()
    openStatus = ftd2xxlib.FT_Open(c_uint(0), byref(ftHandler))
    initStatus = ft4222lib.FT4222_SPIMaster_Init(ftHandler, c_uint(1), c_uint(2), c_uint(0), c_uint(0), c_uint(2))

FTDI Community:

Unfortunately we do not have much experience with Python here at FTDI.

However the ssoMap value is denoted as a uint8 in the LibFT4222 User guide, and I had a look at the python ctypes library, does changing this variable from a c_uint to a c_uint8 prevent the FT_INVALID_PARAMETER from returning?

Best Regards,
FTDI Community

I tried that and the result was the same, c_uint8(1) works fine, but c_uint8(2) returns FT_INVALID_PARAMETER.
I tried using LibFT4222 versions 1.4.3 and 1.4.4, both with ftd2xx, and the behavior is the same. If I change ftd2xx what I get is a status error 1000 -> FT4222_DEVICE_NOT_SUPPORTED
Is there some device configuration I may be missing prior to masterInit? In summary, these are the steps I'm following
- CreateDeviceInfoList
    These are the devices listed from a single ftd chip
    {'index': 0, 'flags': 2, 'type': 10, 'id': 67330076, 'location': 135969, 'serial': b'A', 'description': b'FT4222 A', 'handle': 0}
    {'index': 1, 'flags': 2, 'type': 10, 'id': 67330076, 'location': 135970, 'serial': b'B', 'description': b'FT4222 B', 'handle': 0}
- Open device with index 0 -> STATUS_OK
- MasterInit with ssoMap c_uint/c_uint8 (2) -> FT_INVALID_PARAMETER

----- UPDATE --------------
After writing this message I understood the problem, I was using the FT in chip mode 0 (single slave), after adjusting the JP2 and JP3 pins (in the dev kit), I managed to change to chip mode 2, this allows 4 slaves and now there are no issues if correct ssoMap value is sent to the right usb interface device.


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