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Topics - amadeok

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / ESP32 + FT232H in 245 fifo mode
« on: March 03, 2021, 08:06:19 PM »
I'm working on a project that uses an eink controller board that has a esp32. The aim is to make the board mirror the pc screen and make a sort of pc monitor. I'm already achieving this by transferring the image data from the pc to the board using wifi, but i'd like to use a FT232H in 245 8 bit parallel synchronous mode to make the transfer faster. The display has eight data pins (D0 to D7) and a CLK signal that can be 60MHz. I'd like to connect the data pins and the clock line of the FT232H directly to the ones in the display, and then connect RXF, TXE, RD, WR and OE to the gpio pins on the ESP32, in this way:

The other signals required to drive the display would still be controlled by the esp32, the ft232h would only have the job of transferring the data.
Is this feasible?

New Member Introductions / Hi
« on: March 01, 2021, 05:19:11 PM »
I'm Amadeo from Italy

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