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Topics - radioman85

Pages: [1]
Discussion - Hardware / FT231X vs. USB-C - doesn't work!
« on: November 29, 2022, 12:22:50 PM »
Hi there,

I have a HW design using USB-C receptacle and an FT231X behind it to establish a simple serial interface to the PC. Now, using a cable connected to a USB-A port on the PC the PC (using FT-Prog) reconginzes the FTDI chip of my HW. Connecting it to a USB-C port of the PC the PC (i.e. FT-Prog) is unable to find it. For USB-C I have connected a 5k1 resistor between CC1 and GND/CC2 and GND. Else there shouldn't be any difference, is there?

Well, this shouldn't be an issue anyway, as it is only required for certain power negotiation (correct me if I'm wrong).

Now, what could be wrong?

You can find necessary schematics attached.

Thank you in advance for any help!

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