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Discussion - Drivers / HLK Studio Error
« on: October 03, 2017, 02:16:34 pm »
Some of our customers are having problems with Driver Reseller Rights for our submission ID 1152921504627044695.
When they open the .hlkx files in HLK Studio, the following error appears:

"Package (Shell_1152921504627044695.hlkx) with a version ( is not compatible with this instance of PackageManager.  This instance of Package Manager accepts versions,,,"

This appears to be a problem with the latest version of HLK Studio version 1703:


If you download 'Get the HLK Insider Preview' at the link above, the issue is resolved with this preview version.
Note: You need to be a member of the Windows Insider program to download this preview version.

Microsoft plan to release this updated version of HLK Studio.

FTDI Community

Discussion - Drivers / FTDI Driver Reseller Rights
« on: October 03, 2017, 02:03:49 pm »
Microsoft has moved to a new Hardware Dev Center for resell rights, replacing Sysdev:


A resell submission is now called Shipping Label.

We have some reseller guidance on the process which was kindly shared by another customer:

Reseller Guidance.pdf

Note: You need a Microsoft Azure Domain Account.

More information can be found on Microsoft’s website since it’s their process.
If you need additional support, contact Microsoft.

FTDI Community

Discussion - Drivers / Create a Project Using the D2XX Drivers
« on: October 03, 2017, 11:27:30 am »
The user can create 32bit or 64bit dynamic or statically linked projects using the D2XX drivers.

Read more in TN_153 Instructions on Including the D2XX Driver in a Visual Studio Express 2013 Project

The necessary driver files can be downloaded here:

D2XX Drivers

Note: The current free version of Visual Studio is Visual Studio Community 2017.
It allows you to use for 30 days without a Microsoft account. However, after this period it asks you to sign in. You can create a free Microsoft account which will allow you to continue to use Visual Studio for free.

The following simple code can be used as a test:

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include "ftd2xx.h"
int main()
FT_HANDLE ftHandle;
FT_STATUS ftStatus;
ftStatus = FT_Open(0, &ftHandle);
ftStatus |= FT_SetUSBParameters(ftHandle, 4096, 4096); // Set USB transfer sizes
ftStatus |= FT_SetChars(ftHandle, false, 0, false, 0); // Disable event characters
ftStatus |= FT_SetTimeouts(ftHandle, 5000, 5000); // Set read/write timeouts to 5 sec
ftStatus |= FT_SetLatencyTimer(ftHandle, 16); // Latency timer at default 16ms
ftStatus |= FT_SetFlowControl(ftHandle, FT_FLOW_NONE, 0x11, 0x13); // No flow control
ftStatus |= FT_SetBaudRate(ftHandle, 9600); // Baud rate = 9600
ftStatus |= FT_SetDataCharacteristics(ftHandle, FT_BITS_8, FT_STOP_BITS_1,
if (ftStatus != FT_OK) printf("ftStatus not ok %d\n", ftStatus); //check for error
char data_out[12] = "Hello World";
DWORD w_data_len = 12;
DWORD data_written;
ftStatus = FT_Write(ftHandle, data_out, w_data_len, &data_written);
char data_in[12];
DWORD r_data_len = 12;
DWORD data_read;
ftStatus = FT_Read(ftHandle, data_in, r_data_len, &data_read);
if (ftStatus != FT_OK)
printf("ftStatus not ok %d\n", ftStatus);
printf("Data Read: %s\n", data_in);
ftStatus = FT_Close(ftHandle);
printf("Press Return To End Program");
return 0;

Test and Review Area / libMPSSE Beta
« on: October 03, 2017, 11:25:29 am »
Hi Everyone,

We have a new beta version of our libMPSSE library below:


This has several updates compared to the release currently on the website including:
- Resolves issue with multi-byte reads on I2C
- Resolves issue with opening device on some USB3 ports (opens by Description instead of location ID)
- Sends I2C Stop condition if the Master terminates a transaction
- Improved clock granularity in I2C_CLOCK_HIGH_SPEED_MODE
- Fix for clock resolution issue on FT2232D

We are currently testing the beta and hope to release it soon but if you have any feedback on the new beta then please let us know.

Thanks, FTDI Community

Window CDM WHQL Certified Driver v.2.12.28 is now available!
This applies to the following Windows OS versions:

Windows 10 (32/64)
Windows 8.1 (32/64)
Windows 8 (32/64)
Windows 7 (32/64)
Windows Server 2016
Windows Server 2012 R2 x64
Windows Server 2008 R2 x64

Download here:

2.12.28 driver files
Setup Executable

This driver version is also on Windows Update so should install automatically if you are connected to the internet.

You can also refer to the Installation Guides

If you have any feedback, please let us know.

FTDI Community

Shared Projects / USB Current and Voltage Monitor
« on: September 21, 2017, 04:53:20 pm »
Hi Everyone,

Here is a small project that our Applications engineers designed using a UM232H module in MPSSE mode. It acts as a USB to I2C Master bridge to take readings from a Texas Instruments INA219 current and voltage monitor. It also provides a couple of GPIO input lines and (most importantly of course) a flashing LED!

It connects in-line with a USB device and tracks how much current it is drawing from the host as well as the voltage on the VBus line. The 0.1" connector on the rear panel can be used instead if you want to connect it to measure other circuits via jumper wires. This can be really useful when debugging your own circuits and checking how much power they will require.

A program written in Visual Basic NET displays the results on a scrolling chart with different range settings. You can modify the code to talk to other I2C sensors as well though.

Here are some pictures showing the meter itself and a chart showing a USB flash drive which was connected and enumerated accessing a file on the disk.

We have written a document on the project as well as publishing the source code, and you can find these at the links below:

Source Code

We hope this gives you some ideas for some projects of your own ...

Best Regards,
The FTDI Team

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